Projects, 2015, Arkona SüdOst, E.ON, Nexans Technical support during testing of subsea cables for ARKONA OWF.
Projects, 2014, Allianz, Siemens, Swire Blue Ocean Jacking down operation of jack-up vessel PACIFIC ORCA.
Projects, 2014, EnBW, EnBW Baltic 2, Olympic Shipping Load-out and transportation of IAG cables for BALTIC 2 OWF.
Projects, 2014, EnBW, EnBW Baltic 2, GeoSea, HOCHTIEF Installation of anodes cages on monopiles on BALTIC 2 OWF.
Projects, 2013, NKT Cables, ScottishPower Renewables, VBMS, Ørsted Load-out, transportation and installation of the export cable on WEST OF DUDDON SAND OWF (UK).